Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wee n Joyce

Finally, two of my closest friends got married last Thursday! Had a comedy of errors leading up to the day though..

Firstly, I had gotten the time wrong, and was unaware of it till I mentioned it casually in our joint chat.. That was when I realized that I was an hour early!

That led to mistake no 2 as I had planned for a conference call at 330pm, thinking that I would make it back in time. Lo n behold, the actual start time was 3pm n not 2pm!!

Mistake 3 was then to allow myself to get caught at 230pm, just before I was about to leave for the ROM. My partner spoke to me all they way till 3pm afterwhich I literally threw all that I was carrying onto my table and ran for the taxi stand.

Having faint hopes that I could still catch part of the ceremony, I called Bobby only to realize that they had started early and was now having the photo taking with friends! Zomgggg...

At this point of time, I was wondering if I should just get the uncle to turn around so that I can reach office in time for the conf call. However, I decided to just go down to see them, as I had known both of them, especially Joyce, for the longest time.

It was like the divine timing.. As my cab turned in, they were getting out of the entrance with the well-wishers and family, and I was able to get a photo with them.

That was all I managed to get; they had to go off with their families to wait for the celebratory dinner..

All in all, I spent the following:
Conf call on my Hp (on my way back to office) : $3?
Cab both ways: $20
My charge out rate for the hour away: $270
1 min of meeting them: Priceless

somethings are just worth the cost.

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